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385+ Tiefling Names For Your Character!

Discover the perfect name for your Tiefling character with our ultimate guide.

Explore over 385 unique and inspiring Tiefling names categorized by themes like infernal, virtue, elemental, and more.

Tiefling names

Infernal Tiefling Names

Infernal names are derived from the harsh and dark-sounding language of the infernal realm.

These names often reflect the Tiefling‘s powerful and sometimes malevolent heritage.

Male Infernal Names

  1. Astaroth
  2. Belphegor
  3. Malphas
  4. Azazel
  5. Bael
  6. Dagon
  7. Oriax
  8. Zepar
  9. Raum
  10. Vine
  11. Balam
  12. Abaddon
  13. Amon
  14. Asmodeus
  15. Barbatos
  16. Beelzebub
  17. Caim
  18. Decarabia
  19. Eligos
  20. Flauros
  21. Furfur
  22. Gusion
  23. Haagenti
  24. Ipos
  25. Kobal
  26. Leraje
  27. Morax
  28. Naberius
  29. Orias
  30. Paimon
  31. Phenex
  32. Purson
  33. Ronove
  34. Sabnock
  35. Seir
  36. Shax
  37. Sitri
  38. Stolas
  39. Vual
  40. Zagan

Female Infernal Names

  1. Lilith
  2. Agrat
  3. Naamah
  4. Jezebel
  5. Abyzou
  6. Batibat
  7. Empusa
  8. Gorgon
  9. Hecate
  10. Lamashtu
  11. Medusa
  12. Morrigan
  13. Oizys
  14. Selene
  15. Sycorax
  16. Tartarus
  17. Vanth
  18. Allatu
  19. Aveta
  20. Callisto
  21. Circe
  22. Drusilla
  23. Ereshkigal
  24. Eurynome
  25. Gello
  26. Inanna
  27. Ishtar
  28. Jahi
  29. Kali
  30. Lilitu
  31. Medea
  32. Nephthys
  33. Nimue
  34. Nyx
  35. Pandora
  36. Persephone
  37. Rusalka
  38. Sekhmet
  39. Siren
  40. Tisiphone

Gender-Neutral Infernal Names

  1. Baphomet
  2. Charon
  3. Daeva
  4. Erebos
  5. Hades
  6. Inferna
  7. Jinn
  8. Keres
  9. Lamia
  10. Leviathan
  11. Malak
  12. Nergal
  13. Orthon
  14. Pazuzu
  15. Qliphoth
  16. Ragna
  17. Samael
  18. Tannin
  19. Umbra
  20. Vapula
  21. Wraith
  22. Xaphan
  23. Yama
  24. Zaraq
  25. Belial
  26. Focalor
  27. Gaap
  28. Halphas
  29. Jormungand
  30. Kuthiel
  31. Lix Tetrax
  32. Moloch
  33. Nicor
  34. Ose
  35. Pithius
  36. Rahovart
  37. Set
  38. Tenebris
  39. Ukobach
  40. Vassago

Tiefling names

Virtue Names

Virtue names reflect the ideals and positive qualities that Tieflings may strive for, often in contrast to their infernal heritage.

These names symbolize hope, redemption, and strength.

Male Virtue Names

  1. Valor
  2. Justice
  3. Honor
  4. Noble
  5. Trust
  6. Brave
  7. Courage
  8. Faith
  9. Truth
  10. Sage
  11. Mercy
  12. Worth
  13. Grace
  14. Light
  15. Bright
  16. Glory
  17. Peace
  18. Strong
  19. Wisdom
  20. Fortitude
  21. Purity
  22. Virtue
  23. Loyal
  24. Pure
  25. Hardy
  26. Valiant
  27. Zeal
  28. Bliss
  29. True
  30. Hope
  31. Serenity
  32. Unity
  33. Charity
  34. Radiant
  35. Benevolence
  36. Blissful
  37. Joy
  38. Clemency
  39. Guardian
  40. Chivalry

Female Virtue Names

  1. Grace
  2. Hope
  3. Mercy
  4. Faith
  5. Joy
  6. Charity
  7. Patience
  8. Serenity
  9. Bliss
  10. Peace
  11. Love
  12. Honor
  13. Purity
  14. Harmony
  15. Radiance
  16. Kindness
  17. Virtue
  18. Clemency
  19. Bright
  20. Trust
  21. Bravery
  22. Unity
  23. Joyful
  24. Chastity
  25. Dignity
  26. Tranquility
  27. Felicity
  28. Verity
  29. Fidelity
  30. Gladness
  31. Divinity
  32. Harmony
  33. Nobility
  34. Benevolence
  35. Resilience
  36. Solace
  37. Delight
  38. Altruism
  39. Harmony
  40. Fortitude

Gender-Neutral Virtue Names

  1. Peace
  2. Honor
  3. Noble
  4. Brave
  5. Light
  6. Bright
  7. Bliss
  8. Serenity
  9. Hope
  10. Love
  11. Mercy
  12. Faith
  13. Charity
  14. Radiant
  15. Grace
  16. Trust
  17. Courage
  18. Unity
  19. Joy
  20. Harmony
  21. True
  22. Clemency
  23. Worth
  24. Blissful
  25. Fortitude
  26. Zeal
  27. Purity
  28. Benevolence
  29. Divinity
  30. Gladness
  31. Resilience
  32. Delight
  33. Altruism
  34. Chivalry
  35. Valor
  36. Loyalty
  37. Purity
  38. Harmony
  39. Virtue
  40. Tranquility

Elemental Names

Elemental names are inspired by the natural elements of fire, water, earth, and air.

These tiefling names reflect the powerful and primal forces of nature, often embodying the traits associated with each element.

Fire-Themed Names

  1. Blaze
  2. Ember
  3. Inferno
  4. Pyre
  5. Flame
  6. Ash
  7. Kindle
  8. Cinder
  9. Torch
  10. Sear
  11. Burn
  12. Scorch
  13. Ignite
  14. Smolder
  15. Emberlyn
  16. Pyrrhus
  17. Flare
  18. Phoenix
  19. Radiant
  20. Incendia
  21. Inferna
  22. Volcan
  23. Char
  24. Brimstone
  25. Sizzle
  26. Solara
  27. Vulcan
  28. Emberion
  29. Fiero
  30. Hestia
  31. Lumen
  32. Sparky
  33. Solstice
  34. Zafir
  35. Flamora
  36. Ignatius
  37. Pyrella
  38. Glimmer
  39. Magma
  40. Vesta

Water-Themed Names

  1. River
  2. Rain
  3. Ocean
  4. Aqua
  5. Brook
  6. Wave
  7. Tide
  8. Mist
  9. Cascade
  10. Dew
  11. Drizzle
  12. Harbor
  13. Lagoon
  14. Maris
  15. Brook
  16. Coral
  17. Delta
  18. Fjord
  19. Lake
  20. Marina
  21. Nautica
  22. Neptune
  23. Pearl
  24. Ripple
  25. Sailor
  26. Seabreeze
  27. Skye
  28. Storm
  29. Tempest
  30. Torrent
  31. Aquaia
  32. Hydros
  33. Liriope
  34. Oceana
  35. Poseidon
  36. Rill
  37. Thalassa
  38. Ursa
  39. Whirlpool
  40. Zephyrine

Earth-Themed Names

  1. Stone
  2. Terra
  3. Flint
  4. Moss
  5. Ivy
  6. Thorn
  7. Briar
  8. Forest
  9. Clay
  10. Rock
  11. Jasper
  12. Granite
  13. Soil
  14. Boulder
  15. Grove
  16. Root
  17. Timber
  18. Ridge
  19. Crag
  20. Meadow
  21. Cedar
  22. Sage
  23. Petal
  24. Elm
  25. Sable
  26. Herb
  27. Olive
  28. Grit
  29. Hawthorn
  30. Leif
  31. Maple
  32. Poppy
  33. Redwood
  34. Spruce
  35. Willow
  36. Yew
  37. Asher
  38. Laurel
  39. Quill
  40. Sand

Air-Themed Names

  1. Gale
  2. Breeze
  3. Sky
  4. Zephyr
  5. Wind
  6. Storm
  7. Gust
  8. Cloud
  9. Misty
  10. Tempest
  11. Cyclone
  12. Falcon
  13. Eagle
  14. Aero
  15. Nimbus
  16. Vortex
  17. Aurora
  18. Blizzard
  19. Comet
  20. Drifter
  21. Squall
  22. Turbulence
  23. Ether
  24. Whisper
  25. Aeris
  26. Zephyrus
  27. Aether
  28. Anemone
  29. Horizon
  30. Lark
  31. Mistral
  32. Soar
  33. Stormy
  34. Whirlwind
  35. Boreas
  36. Celeste
  37. Cirrus
  38. Skye
  39. Ventus
  40. Windy

Tiefling names

Celestial Names

Celestial names are inspired by the heavens, celestial bodies, and phenomena.

These tiefling names often indicate a connection to the stars, planets, and the cosmos, reflecting a sense of wonder and mysticism.

Male Celestial Names

  1. Orion
  2. Sirius
  3. Castor
  4. Pollux
  5. Draco
  6. Atlas
  7. Apollo
  8. Helios
  9. Titan
  10. Perseus
  11. Leo
  12. Arcturus
  13. Cepheus
  14. Phoenix
  15. Regulus
  16. Sol
  17. Oberon
  18. Altair
  19. Hyperion
  20. Astraeus
  21. Caelum
  22. Hercules
  23. Elara
  24. Triton
  25. Pegasus
  26. Electra
  27. Callisto
  28. Oberon
  29. Pavo
  30. Rigel
  31. Vega
  32. Adhara
  33. Capella
  34. Fomalhaut
  35. Janus
  36. Lynx
  37. Pyxis
  38. Sirius
  39. Taurus
  40. Vulcan

Female Celestial Names

  1. Luna
  2. Celeste
  3. Lyra
  4. Andromeda
  5. Cassiopeia
  6. Aurora
  7. Astra
  8. Vega
  9. Rhea
  10. Selene
  11. Atria
  12. Bellatrix
  13. Carina
  14. Delphina
  15. Electra
  16. Halley
  17. Juno
  18. Maia
  19. Nova
  20. Phoebe
  21. Thalassa
  22. Vesper
  23. Antares
  24. Calliope
  25. Cressida
  26. Dione
  27. Eris
  28. Hydra
  29. Leda
  30. Meissa
  31. Nyx
  32. Ophelia
  33. Rosalind
  34. Thalia
  35. Ursa
  36. Vela
  37. Xanthe
  38. Yara
  39. Zephyra
  40. Eos

Gender-Neutral Celestial Names

  1. Sol
  2. Star
  3. Moon
  4. Sky
  5. Nova
  6. Comet
  7. Galaxy
  8. Eclipse
  9. Zenith
  10. Cosmos
  11. Orbit
  12. Nebula
  13. Pulsar
  14. Quasar
  15. Zenith
  16. Celest
  17. Halcyon
  18. Hesper
  19. Lyric
  20. Nox
  21. Astra
  22. Solstice
  23. Astral
  24. Zephyr
  25. Cygnus
  26. Elara
  27. Galen
  28. Mira
  29. Lyra
  30. Oberon
  31. Pallas
  32. Polaris
  33. Thalassa
  34. Vega
  35. Zenith
  36. Halcyon
  37. Hesper
  38. Lyric
  39. Nox
  40. Astra

Demonic Names

Demonic names are inspired by the dark and powerful figures of demonology and dark mythology.

These names for tieflings reflect a strong and formidable heritage, often embodying traits of power and fear.

Male Demonic Names

  1. Asmodeus
  2. Mephistopheles
  3. Baphomet
  4. Abaddon
  5. Lucifer
  6. Beelzebub
  7. Ahriman
  8. Belial
  9. Samael
  10. Mammon
  11. Azazel
  12. Dagon
  13. Belphegor
  14. Leviathan
  15. Astaroth
  16. Baal
  17. Moloch
  18. Rahovart
  19. Decarabia
  20. Forneus
  21. Halphas
  22. Marbas
  23. Orias
  24. Zagan
  25. Zepar
  26. Caim
  27. Glasya-Labolas
  28. Haagenti
  29. Ipos
  30. Naberius
  31. Seir
  32. Shax
  33. Sitri
  34. Stolas
  35. Valac
  36. Vepar
  37. Vual
  38. Xaphan
  39. Yan-gant-y-tan
  40. Andras

Female Demonic Names

  1. Lilith
  2. Agrat
  3. Naamah
  4. Jezebel
  5. Abyzou
  6. Batibat
  7. Empusa
  8. Gorgon
  9. Hecate
  10. Lamashtu
  11. Medusa
  12. Morrigan
  13. Oizys
  14. Selene
  15. Sycorax
  16. Tartarus
  17. Vanth
  18. Allatu
  19. Aveta
  20. Callisto
  21. Circe
  22. Drusilla
  23. Ereshkigal
  24. Eurynome
  25. Gello
  26. Inanna
  27. Ishtar
  28. Jahi
  29. Kali
  30. Lilitu
  31. Medea
  32. Nephthys
  33. Nimue
  34. Nyx
  35. Pandora
  36. Persephone
  37. Rusalka
  38. Sekhmet
  39. Siren
  40. Tisiphone

Gender-Neutral Demonic Names

  1. Baphomet
  2. Charon
  3. Daeva
  4. Erebos
  5. Hades
  6. Inferna
  7. Jinn
  8. Keres
  9. Lamia
  10. Leviathan
  11. Malak
  12. Nergal
  13. Orthon
  14. Pazuzu
  15. Qliphoth
  16. Ragna
  17. Samael
  18. Tannin
  19. Umbra
  20. Vapula
  21. Wraith
  22. Xaphan
  23. Yama
  24. Zaraq
  25. Belial
  26. Focalor
  27. Gaap
  28. Halphas
  29. Jormungand
  30. Kuthiel
  31. Lix Tetrax
  32. Moloch
  33. Nicor
  34. Ose
  35. Pithius
  36. Rahovart
  37. Set
  38. Tenebris
  39. Ukobach
  40. Vassago

Nature-Inspired Names

Nature-inspired names draw from the beauty and elements of the natural world, emphasizing a connection to flora, fauna, and the earth.

These names often evoke a sense of harmony and balance with nature.

Male Nature-Inspired Names

  1. Thorn
  2. Ash
  3. Rowan
  4. Forest
  5. Flint
  6. Cedar
  7. Reed
  8. Grove
  9. Oak
  10. Birch
  11. Sage
  12. Alder
  13. Hawthorn
  14. Elm
  15. Bramble
  16. Stone
  17. River
  18. Cliff
  19. Leaf
  20. Moss
  21. Jasper
  22. Heath
  23. Linden
  24. Glen
  25. Basil
  26. Wolf
  27. Falcon
  28. Fox
  29. Bear
  30. Hawk
  31. Orion
  32. Draco
  33. Phoenix
  34. Aspen
  35. Everest
  36. Ridge
  37. Brook
  38. Canyon
  39. Flint
  40. Cedar

Female Nature-Inspired Names

  1. Ivy
  2. Fern
  3. Willow
  4. Rose
  5. Daisy
  6. Lily
  7. Violet
  8. Hazel
  9. Poppy
  10. Laurel
  11. Briar
  12. Petal
  13. Iris
  14. Flora
  15. Juniper
  16. Marigold
  17. Olive
  18. Maple
  19. Dahlia
  20. Hyacinth
  21. Blossom
  22. Heather
  23. Primrose
  24. Meadow
  25. Autumn
  26. Clover
  27. Magnolia
  28. Peony
  29. Acacia
  30. Camellia
  31. Azalea
  32. Amaryllis
  33. Bryony
  34. Calla
  35. Delphine
  36. Eglantine
  37. Fuchsia
  38. Gardenia
  39. Lavender
  40. Zinnia

Gender-Neutral Nature-Inspired Names

  1. River
  2. Sky
  3. Rain
  4. Leaf
  5. Rowan
  6. Aspen
  7. Sage
  8. Ocean
  9. Storm
  10. Lake
  11. Cedar
  12. Forest
  13. Moss
  14. Brook
  15. Sparrow
  16. Phoenix
  17. Onyx
  18. Stone
  19. Reed
  20. Indigo
  21. Fox
  22. Falcon
  23. Raven
  24. Birch
  25. Everest
  26. Willow
  27. Stormy
  28. Harbor
  29. Juniper
  30. Blue
  31. Cloud
  32. Sunny
  33. Canyon
  34. Glacier
  35. Sequoia
  36. Skylar
  37. Winter
  38. Cypress
  39. Fern
  40. Meadow

Tiefling names

Historical and Mythological Names

Historical and mythological names draw from ancient myths, legends, and notable figures from history.

These names often carry rich stories and powerful connotations, adding depth and meaning to your Tiefling character.

Male Historical and Mythological Names

  1. Achilles
  2. Odysseus
  3. Hercules
  4. Perseus
  5. Theseus
  6. Jason
  7. Orion
  8. Hector
  9. Aeneas
  10. Apollo
  11. Zeus
  12. Poseidon
  13. Hades
  14. Cronus
  15. Atlas
  16. Prometheus
  17. Hermes
  18. Hephaestus
  19. Dionysus
  20. Eros
  21. Osiris
  22. Anubis
  23. Ra
  24. Horus
  25. Seth
  26. Gilgamesh
  27. Beowulf
  28. Arthur
  29. Merlin
  30. Lancelot
  31. Mordred
  32. Gawain
  33. Cuchulainn
  34. Finn
  35. Bran
  36. Sigurd
  37. Thor
  38. Loki
  39. Odin
  40. Tyr

Female Historical and Mythological Names

  1. Morgana
  2. Circe
  3. Medusa
  4. Andromeda
  5. Athena
  6. Hera
  7. Artemis
  8. Demeter
  9. Persephone
  10. Aphrodite
  11. Hestia
  12. Nike
  13. Selene
  14. Nemesis
  15. Cassandra
  16. Helen
  17. Pandora
  18. Penelope
  19. Calypso
  20. Europa
  21. Rhea
  22. Isis
  23. Cleopatra
  24. Nefertiti
  25. Boudica
  26. Joan
  27. Guinevere
  28. Igraine
  29. Isolde
  30. Morgause
  31. Maeve
  32. Grainne
  33. Deirdre
  34. Freya
  35. Sif
  36. Hel
  37. Skadi
  38. Valkyrie
  39. Brunhilde
  40. Eir

Gender-Neutral Historical and Mythological Names

  1. Phoenix
  2. Echo
  3. Nyx
  4. Chaos
  5. Erebus
  6. Thanatos
  7. Aether
  8. Gaia
  9. Rhea
  10. Selene
  11. Eos
  12. Dione
  13. Charon
  14. Styx
  15. Tethys
  16. Hyperion
  17. Themis
  18. Mnemosyne
  19. Crius
  20. Atlas
  21. Janus
  22. Fortuna
  23. Nike
  24. Luna
  25. Sol
  26. Pax
  27. Aurora
  28. Astra
  29. Celeste
  30. Juno
  31. Neptune
  32. Vesta
  33. Mercury
  34. Saturn
  35. Minerva
  36. Ceres
  37. Uranus
  38. Venus
  39. Mars
  40. Jupiter


Choosing the perfect name for your Tiefling character is a crucial part of creating a memorable and immersive role-playing experience.

Whether you prefer infernal names that reflect your character’s dark heritage, virtue names that highlight their aspirations, or elemental names that connect them to nature, this guide offers over 315 unique and inspiring options.

When selecting a name, consider how it fits into your character’s backstory and personality.

A well-chosen name can add depth to your character and enhance your storytelling. Feel free to mix and match names from different categories to find the perfect fit.

Remember, the most important aspect is that the name resonates with you and brings your Tiefling character to life. Enjoy the creative process and have fun exploring the rich possibilities of Tiefling names!