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215 Unique Necromancer Names To Try

Dive into the dark and mysterious world of necromancers with our ultimate guide.

Discover over 215 unique necromancer names categorized to suit any persona, from ancient and mythological to modern and unique.

necromancer names

Dark and Mysterious Names

Necromancers thrive in the shadows, wielding powers that evoke fear and awe.

These names are perfect for characters who embody darkness and mystery.

  1. Morbius
  2. Nocturna
  3. Umbra
  4. Nyx
  5. Vespera
  6. Tenebris
  7. Obsidian
  8. Erebus
  9. Shade
  10. Ravenna
  11. Nightshade
  12. Sable
  13. Cimmerian
  14. Dusk
  15. Midnight
  16. Mortis
  17. Hecate
  18. Lucifer
  19. Shadow
  20. Onyx
  21. Seraphim
  22. Gloom
  23. Thorne
  24. Banshee
  25. Selene
  26. Charon
  27. Raven
  28. Abyss
  29. Vlad
  30. Noctis
  31. Obscura
  32. Sinister
  33. Mystra
  34. Eclipsa
  35. Sable
  36. Phantom
  37. Zephyr
  38. Draven
  39. Malice
  40. Ebon

These names will imbue your necromancer with an aura of enigma and power, fitting for any dark and mysterious character.

Ancient and Mythological Names

Draw inspiration from the rich tapestry of ancient myths and legends.

These names resonate with the timeless power and mystique of legendary necromancers from various cultures.

  1. Hades
  2. Persephone
  3. Anubis
  4. Morrigan
  5. Osiris
  6. Hel
  7. Ereshkigal
  8. Set
  9. Thanatos
  10. Cerberus
  11. Bastet
  12. Lilith
  13. Medusa
  14. Achlys
  15. Pandora
  16. Fenrir
  17. Kali
  18. Namtar
  19. Arawn
  20. Sekhmet
  21. Nephthys
  22. Circe
  23. Hecate
  24. Nemesis
  25. Acheron
  26. Jormungandr
  27. Tiamat
  28. Eurynome
  29. Zagreus
  30. Ixion
  31. Typhon
  32. Orcus
  33. Chimera
  34. Scylla
  35. Lamia
  36. Alecto
  37. Medea
  38. Aegis
  39. Deimos
  40. Phobos

These names carry the weight of history and myth, perfect for necromancers who draw their power from ancient sources and legendary tales.

Gothic and Elegant Names

For necromancers who exude a sense of gothic elegance and sophistication, these names blend dark charm with a touch of refined beauty.

  1. Drusilla
  2. Lucien
  3. Ravenna
  4. Belladonna
  5. Thorne
  6. Elvira
  7. Victor
  8. Isolde
  9. Morticia
  10. Lestat
  11. Seraphina
  12. Alaric
  13. Ophelia
  14. Damien
  15. Carmilla
  16. Vincent
  17. Lenore
  18. Edgar
  19. Selene
  20. Lysandra
  21. Alistair
  22. Nerissa
  23. Valentine
  24. Celeste
  25. Dorian
  26. Cassandra
  27. Adrian
  28. Evangeline
  29. Reginald
  30. Annabelle
  31. Lucifer
  32. Draven
  33. Gothica
  34. Sebastian
  35. Vivienne
  36. Bartholomew
  37. Minerva
  38. Remington
  39. Felicity
  40. Ambrose

These names embody the essence of gothic beauty, perfect for necromancers who possess both dark power and refined elegance.

necromancer names

Elemental Necromancer Names

Channeling the raw power of the elements, these names are perfect for necromancers whose abilities are intertwined with nature’s primal forces, whether it be fire, ice, or shadows.

  1. Ashen
  2. Frostbane
  3. Shadowmancer
  4. Pyroclasm
  5. Glaciara
  6. Stormbringer
  7. Blaze
  8. Icicle
  9. Nightflame
  10. Inferna
  11. Tempest
  12. Ember
  13. Hailstorm
  14. Darkwind
  15. Volcanis
  16. Cryo
  17. Sablefire
  18. Thunderstrike
  19. Burnheart
  20. Snowshade
  21. Gloomfire
  22. Emberlyn
  23. Frostfire
  24. Smokebane
  25. Iceshard
  26. Pyromancer
  27. Chillshade
  28. Voltar
  29. Mistwalker
  30. Flameweaver
  31. Glacius
  32. Blazewind
  33. Frostmourne
  34. Ignatius
  35. Shadeflare
  36. Cinder
  37. Winterborn
  38. Infernos
  39. Nethershade
  40. Tempestus

These names resonate with the power of the elements, making them ideal for necromancers who draw their strength from the natural world and its untamed forces.

Malevolent and Sinister Names

For necromancers who embody pure evil and malevolence, these names exude a sense of dread and terror, perfect for characters who revel in their dark power.

  1. Malakar
  2. Dreadthorn
  3. Vexxar
  4. Sinistris
  5. Cimmerian
  6. Nefarion
  7. Baleful
  8. Grimshade
  9. Malevola
  10. Nighthowler
  11. Ebonbane
  12. Venomous
  13. Direheart
  14. Moribund
  15. Harrow
  16. Pestilence
  17. Gorefiend
  18. Wrath
  19. Darkfury
  20. Vilethorn
  21. Blight
  22. Infernal
  23. Hexen
  24. Doomclaw
  25. Nightmare
  26. Macabre
  27. Carrion
  28. Bane
  29. Lucifuge
  30. Grimma
  31. Viper
  32. Oblivion
  33. Malice
  34. Torment
  35. Vladislaus
  36. Sableclaw
  37. Cryptkeeper
  38. Shadeborn
  39. Mordant
  40. Wicked

These names are perfect for necromancers who embrace their sinister nature, spreading fear and chaos wherever they go.

necromancer names

Arcane and Mysterious Names

These names are imbued with the essence of ancient, arcane knowledge and otherworldly power, perfect for necromancers who delve into forbidden magic and eldritch mysteries.

  1. Zoltar
  2. Eldritch
  3. Nethara
  4. Arcadius
  5. Zephara
  6. Mystara
  7. Alduin
  8. Sorath
  9. Thalor
  10. Rune
  11. Azeroth
  12. Mistral
  13. Vortex
  14. Lichara
  15. Feyrith
  16. Galdur
  17. Orinthal
  18. Selarith
  19. Mystagon
  20. Vorlath
  21. Zephyr
  22. Arcanis
  23. Xalthor
  24. Ebonis
  25. Sorathis
  26. Morinth
  27. Alathar
  28. Druwyn
  29. Azura
  30. Eldara
  31. Thalorin
  32. Korrath
  33. Mystara
  34. Eldros
  35. Vorath
  36. Galadhrim
  37. Nyxara
  38. Malthus
  39. Orryn
  40. Varian

These names are perfect for necromancers who seek to wield the ancient and hidden powers of the arcane, delving into the deepest mysteries of magic and sorcery.

Ethereal and Ghostly Names

These names evoke a spectral or ghostly presence, perfect for necromancers who are connected to the spirit world and the realm of the undead.

  1. Wraith
  2. Spectra
  3. Phantom
  4. Banshee
  5. Haunter
  6. Apparition
  7. Ethereal
  8. Specter
  9. Revenant
  10. Shade
  11. Poltergeist
  12. Ghast
  13. Vanish
  14. Lich
  15. Ghost
  16. Hollow
  17. Spiritus
  18. Eidolon
  19. Wisp
  20. Ghoul
  21. Mortis
  22. Pale
  23. Vapor
  24. Shadow
  25. Mist
  26. Haze
  27. Ephemera
  28. Nebula
  29. Wight
  30. Soul
  31. Obscura
  32. Shadeveil
  33. Umbral
  34. Spectral
  35. Haunt
  36. Fade
  37. Veil
  38. Nether
  39. Aether
  40. Lumin

These names capture the essence of the ethereal and ghostly, making them ideal for necromancers who command spirits and dwell in the realm of the undead.

Historical and Classical Names

Drawing inspiration from historical figures and classical literature, these names are perfect for necromancers who embody the gravitas and timelessness of their craft.

  1. Vlad
  2. Morgana
  3. Alaric
  4. Circe
  5. Dracul
  6. Isolde
  7. Merlin
  8. Gwydion
  9. Hecate
  10. Lilith
  11. Medea
  12. Astaroth
  13. Rasputin
  14. Alecto
  15. Caligula
  16. Achlys
  17. Salem
  18. Bellatrix
  19. Thoth
  20. Agrippa
  21. Orpheus
  22. Sycorax
  23. Sybill
  24. Tiresias
  25. Herne
  26. Lucan
  27. Cassandra
  28. Pythia
  29. Nimue
  30. Taliesin
  31. Aradia
  32. Thales
  33. Clytemnestra
  34. Althea
  35. Xerxes
  36. Oberon
  37. Vivienne
  38. Livia
  39. Darius
  40. Selene

These names reflect the storied past of legendary necromancers, infusing your character with a sense of history and classical grandeur.

necromancer names

Feminine Necromancer Names

These names are specifically suited for female necromancers, combining dark allure and powerful mystique to create a captivating persona.

  1. Lilith
  2. Seraphina
  3. Isolde
  4. Elspeth
  5. Morgause
  6. Belladonna
  7. Ravenna
  8. Drusilla
  9. Ophelia
  10. Lenore
  11. Evangeline
  12. Cassandra
  13. Minerva
  14. Vivienne
  15. Celeste
  16. Gothica
  17. Medea
  18. Lucina
  19. Selene
  20. Nyx
  21. Felicity
  22. Nerissa
  23. Lysandra
  24. Morrigan
  25. Valentina
  26. Arianne
  27. Isabella
  28. Scarlett
  29. Thalia
  30. Artemis
  31. Livia
  32. Eris
  33. Calypso
  34. Sybil
  35. Astrid
  36. Melisandre
  37. Niamh
  38. Rowena
  39. Lorelei
  40. Daphne

These names capture the essence of feminine power and dark enchantment, perfect for female necromancers who command respect and awe with their presence.

Masculine Necromancer Names

These names are specifically suited for male necromancers, blending strength and dark mystique to create a commanding and powerful persona.

  1. Thanatos
  2. Draven
  3. Acheron
  4. Morpheus
  5. Dorian
  6. Lucifer
  7. Vlad
  8. Alaric
  9. Edgar
  10. Vincent
  11. Lestat
  12. Victor
  13. Sebastian
  14. Damien
  15. Adrian
  16. Reginald
  17. Ambrose
  18. Gareth
  19. Valerian
  20. Balthazar
  21. Magnus
  22. Artemis
  23. Lucien
  24. Orpheus
  25. Cassius
  26. Darius
  27. Xander
  28. Morbius
  29. Orion
  30. Gideon
  31. Sirius
  32. Alistair
  33. Caspian
  34. Remus
  35. Evander
  36. Felix
  37. Oberon
  38. Atticus
  39. Bram
  40. Cyrus

These names exude strength and dark charisma, making them perfect for male necromancers who dominate the shadows with their formidable presence.


Choosing the perfect necromancer name is crucial in defining your character’s identity and adding depth to their dark and mysterious persona.

Whether you’re inspired by ancient myths, gothic elegance, elemental forces, or sinister malevolence, this guide offers a wide range of options to suit any necromancer’s style.

Tips for Creating Your Own Necromancer Name

  • Combine Elements: Mix and match names or elements from different categories to create a unique name.
  • Dark Meanings: Use root words with dark or mystical meanings.
  • Character Background: Consider your character’s background, powers, and personality when choosing a name.
  • Sound and Style: Ensure the name fits the tone and style of your story or game.

Final Thoughts

The power of a well-chosen necromancer name can enhance your character, bringing them to life and making them unforgettable.

Embrace the dark and mysterious world of necromancers, and let these names inspire you to create characters that captivate and intrigue.

Whether you’re writing a story, creating a game character, or role-playing, the right name will make your necromancer stand out. Enjoy exploring the depths of your imagination and the shadows of the necromantic realm!