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715 Funny Usernames For Everyone!

Welcome to the ultimate resource for crafting the perfect funny username!

Whether you’re looking for a clever pun, a geeky reference, or a dose of random whimsy, this guide has you covered with over 715 options categorized for every taste and personality.

funny usernames

Classic Humor

Classic humor never goes out of style.

From clever puns to timeless pop culture references, this section offers a variety of funny usernames that are sure to tickle your funny bone.

Puns and Wordplay:

  1. Punbelievable
  2. SirPunsalot
  3. Punderella
  4. Punintended
  5. PunnyGuy
  6. PunMasterFlex
  7. Punstoppable
  8. PunderfulLife
  9. PunOfTheJungle
  10. PunsAndRoses

Pop Culture References:

11. DumbledoreDude

  1. DarthTater
  2. YodaBest
  3. CaptainQuirk
  4. WalterWhiteOut
  5. GameOfThronesFanatic
  6. MuggleInDisguise
  7. TheSimpsonsStan
  8. WubbaLubbaDubDub
  9. HarryPottyMouth

Literary and Historical Figures:

21. ShakesFear

  1. JaneAustenTatious
  2. TheGreatGatsBae
  3. NerdyNewton
  4. ShakespeareShaker
  5. SocratesRocks
  6. LiteraryLlama
  7. DaVinciDoodles
  8. EinsteiniumElement
  9. CleoPatra


31. PawsitivelyPunny

  1. QuirkyQuokka
  2. CuddleKangaroo
  3. MeowMixMaster
  4. OtterlyAwesome
  5. BearNecessities
  6. HippoHilarity
  7. LlamaLols
  8. TigerTales
  9. FoxxyFiasco

Keep scrolling for more hilarious username ideas!

Classic Humor:

Puns and Wordplay:

  1. Punbelievable
  2. SirPunsalot
  3. Punderella
  4. Punintended
  5. PunnyGuy
  6. PunMasterFlex
  7. Punstoppable
  8. PunderfulLife
  9. PunOfTheJungle
  10. PunsAndRoses
  11. PunOfTheHill
  12. PunsAndNeedles
  13. PunderfulWorld
  14. PunsForDays
  15. PunAndGames
  16. PunisherPrime
  17. Punslinger
  18. PunsNotGuns
  19. Pun-Tastic
  20. PunnyBunny

Pop Culture References:

21. DumbledoreDude

  1. DarthTater
  2. YodaBest
  3. CaptainQuirk
  4. WalterWhiteOut
  5. GameOfThronesFanatic
  6. MuggleInDisguise
  7. TheSimpsonsStan
  8. WubbaLubbaDubDub
  9. HarryPottyMouth
  10. GandalfTheGoof
  11. FrodoFunny
  12. TheJokerFanatic
  13. BatmanBeginsLaughs
  14. IronManic
  15. SpideySensesTickled
  16. Deadpoolicious
  17. WonderWomanizer
  18. HulkSmashLaughs
  19. ThorTheJokester

Literary and Historical Figures:

41. ShakesFear

  1. JaneAustenTatious
  2. TheGreatGatsBae
  3. NerdyNewton
  4. ShakespeareShaker
  5. SocratesRocks
  6. LiteraryLlama
  7. DaVinciDoodles
  8. EinsteiniumElement
  9. CleoPatra
  10. HemingwayHumor
  11. SherlockLaughs
  12. MarkTwainTales
  13. EmilyPunDickinson
  14. LewisCarrollLaughs
  15. LincolnLaughsLast
  16. AustenAllLaughs
  17. DaliDoodle
  18. DarwinLaughs
  19. CurieComedy


61. PawsitivelyPunny

  1. QuirkyQuokka
  2. CuddleKangaroo
  3. MeowMixMaster
  4. OtterlyAwesome
  5. BearNecessities
  6. HippoHilarity
  7. LlamaLols
  8. TigerTales
  9. FoxxyFiasco
  10. WhaleOfLaughs
  11. PuppyPuns
  12. SlothLaughs
  13. MonkeyMischief
  14. ZebraZeal
  15. DolphinDoodles
  16. ElephantLaughs
  17. GiraffeGiggles
  18. PenguinPuns
  19. KoalaComedy
baddie usernames

Geeky and Nerdy

Embrace your inner geek with these witty and nerdy funny username options.

From gaming references to science and technology jokes, this section is a treasure trove for all the brainy humor enthusiasts out there.

Gaming References:

81. PixelPunisher

  1. ControllerCraze
  2. GameOnGamer
  3. ConsoleComedian
  4. LevelUpLaughs
  5. JoystickJester
  6. GamerGuffaws
  7. RPGuru
  8. ButtonMasherBanter
  9. StrategyStrategist

Science and Technology:

91. BinaryBanter

  1. TechTinkerer
  2. CodeCracker
  3. CircuitryComedian
  4. QuantumQuipster
  5. ByteMeLaughs
  6. NerdNucleus
  7. LabLark
  8. GadgetGuffaws
  9. WiFiWit

Random and Whimsical

Unleash your creativity with these delightfully random and whimsical funny username options.

From unexpected combinations to surreal concepts, this section offers a kaleidoscope of humor for those who love the unpredictable.

Random Objects:

101. BananaBonanza

  1. PineapplePunchline
  2. ToastedTaco
  3. WackyWatermelon
  4. FunkyFrisbee
  5. JazzyJellybean
  6. CheesyChuckle
  7. SockMonkeyMadness
  8. DiscoDuck
  9. BoomerangBanter

Surreal Concepts:

111. UnicornUproar

  1. RainbowRioter
  2. CosmicComedian
  3. MagicMischief
  4. DreamyDoodle
  5. WonderlandWit
  6. StardustSmirk
  7. NebulaNonsense
  8. QuirkyQuest
  9. EnigmaEntertainer

Food and Drink:

121. NachoNormalUsername

  1. SushiSilliness
  2. PancakePizzazz
  3. DonutDelight
  4. BurgerBanter
  5. TacoTuesdayLaughs
  6. EspressoEntertainer
  7. CupcakeCraze
  8. SmoothieSmiles
  9. BaconBit

Nonsensical Combinations:

131. BumblebeeBaboon

  1. RobotRhubarb
  2. DiscoDinosaur
  3. PiratePenguin
  4. NinjaNarwhal
  5. SpaceSquirrel
  6. WizardWalrus
  7. AstronautAnteater
  8. JesterJaguar
  9. CaptainCarrot

Let your imagination run wild with these whimsical and random username options!

Witty and Clever

Elevate your username game with these witty and clever options that are bound to impress.

From double meanings to unexpected twists, this section is perfect for those who appreciate a good play on words.

Double Meanings:

141. SharpWit

  1. WitAndWhimsy
  2. DoubleEntendre
  3. MindMeld
  4. TwistOfPhrase
  5. WordNerd
  6. WitBeyondMeasure
  7. WitToTheMax
  8. VerbalVirtuoso
  9. BrainyBanter

Sarcasm and Irony:

151. SassyScribbler

  1. IronyImp
  2. SnarkMaster
  3. SarcasticSage
  4. SnideRemarks
  5. DryHumorist
  6. CynicalChuckler
  7. WryWriter
  8. IronicIcon
  9. JadedJester

Unexpected Twists:

161. PlotTwistPun

  1. CurveballComic
  2. SurpriseSatire
  3. TwistyTales
  4. OutOfTheOrdinary
  5. UnconventionalLaughs
  6. QuirkyQuips
  7. OddHumorist
  8. ZanyZinger
  9. OffbeatObserver


171. SatireSavvy

  1. SatiricalScribe
  2. SatiricalJoker
  3. IronyIncarnate
  4. SardonicScribe
  5. MockingMirth
  6. SatireSlapstick
  7. WitWithBite
  8. LampoonLover
  9. SnideSatirist

Inject some wit and cleverness into your username with these brilliant options!

baddie usernames

Cultural and Regional

Explore the richness of culture and regional humor with these username options inspired by language play, regional slang, international humor, and ethnic references.

Language Play:

181. LingualLaughs

  1. TalkativeTongue
  2. WordplayWhiz
  3. LinguisticLol
  4. DialectDoodle
  5. VernacularVibes
  6. LexiconLaughs
  7. PhraseFunnies
  8. LinguisticLunacy
  9. SyntaxSmiles

Regional Slang:

191. SouthernSass

  1. YankeeYukster
  2. AussieAmuser
  3. BritishBanter
  4. ScottishSilliness
  5. IrishWit
  6. CanadianComedy
  7. TexanTeehee
  8. CaliChuckle
  9. NewYorkNonsense

International Humor:

201. GlobetrotterGuffaw

  1. WorldlyWit
  2. EuroHumorist
  3. AsianAmusement
  4. AfricanLaughs
  5. LatinLaughter
  6. AussieAntics
  7. CanadianChuckles
  8. MiddleEastMirth
  9. PacificPleasantries

Ethnic References:

211. EthnicEccentric

  1. CulturalChuckle
  2. EthnicEnigma
  3. HeritageHilarity
  4. TribalTickles
  5. ClanComedian
  6. AncestryAntics
  7. DiversityDroll
  8. MeltingPotMirth
  9. FolkloreFunnies

Embrace cultural diversity and regional humor with these entertaining username options!


Express your personality and interests with these role-based username options.

Whether you’re passionate about your occupation, hobbies, or fantasy worlds, there’s something here for everyone.


221. DoctorDose

  1. LawyerLaughs
  2. ArtistAntics
  3. ChefChuckles
  4. EngineerEntertains
  5. TeacherTales
  6. NurseNonsense
  7. PilotPunchline
  8. WriterWhimsy
  9. EntrepreneurialLaughs

Hobby or Interest-Based:

231. MusicMirth

  1. BookishBanter
  2. TravelTales
  3. SportsSass
  4. FitnessFunnies
  5. GardeningGiggles
  6. DIYDoodles
  7. PetPunster
  8. FilmFanatic
  9. GamingGiggles

Superhero Alter Egos:

241. SuperheroicSmiles

  1. CapedCrusaderLaughs
  2. MarvelousMirth
  3. DCComedy
  4. HeroicHumorist
  5. VillainousLaughs
  6. SidekickSilliness
  7. MaskedMerriment
  8. SuperpoweredPuns
  9. GuardianGiggles

Fantasy Character Names:

251. WizardlyWit

  1. ElvenLaughs
  2. DwarvenDroll
  3. OrcishOddity
  4. DragonDoodles
  5. FairyTaleFunnies
  6. MythicalMirth
  7. MagicalMerriment
  8. EnchantedEntertainer
  9. RealmRambler

Let your role-based username reflect your passions and interests with these creative options!


Break free from gender stereotypes with these gender-neutral username options.

Perfect for those who want a username that transcends traditional gender roles and resonates with everyone.

Unisex Jokes:

261. GenderBenderLaughs

  1. NeutralNonsense
  2. AndrogynousAntics
  3. GenderlessGiggles
  4. AmbiguousAmusement
  5. NonbinaryNonsense
  6. EqualOpportunityLaughs
  7. UniversalUproar
  8. NeuterNerd
  9. AllGenderGuffaws

Gender-Neutral Pop Culture References:

271. GenderlessGeek

  1. NeutralNerdvana
  2. GeekyGenderbender
  3. UniversalHumorist
  4. AndrogynousAdventurer
  5. NonbinaryNerd
  6. EqualOpportunityEntertainer
  7. AmbiguousAmuser
  8. NeuterNonsense
  9. AllGenderGiggles

Neutral Wordplay:

281. PronounPunster

  1. GenderQuirk
  2. NoGenderNonsense
  3. IdentityLaughs
  4. NeutralNick
  5. NonbinaryBanter
  6. EqualEntertainer
  7. GenderlessGiggler
  8. AllGenderAntics
  9. NeutralityNonsense

Universal Humor:

291. BeyondBinaryBanter

  1. InclusiveLaughs
  2. GenderFluidFun
  3. UniversalUproar
  4. NonconformingNerd
  5. UnisexJester
  6. GenderFreedomFunnies
  7. NeuteredNonsense
  8. AllGenderAmuser
  9. AndrogynousAntics

Celebrate inclusivity and diversity with these gender-neutral funny username options!

baddie usernames

Edgy and Risqué

For those who enjoy humor with a bit of an edge, this section offers username options that push the boundaries.

Exercise caution as these usernames may contain dark humor, adult themes, or borderline offensive content.

Dark Humor:

301. GrimGrin

  1. MorbidMirth
  2. MacabreMadness
  3. TwistedTales
  4. DarklyDelightful
  5. NoirNonsense
  6. ShadowySmiles
  7. EerieEntertainer
  8. GrimGiggler
  9. SinisterSilliness

Adult Humor:

311. RaunchyRiot

  1. DirtyJokesDude
  2. InnuendoIncarnate
  3. FilthyFunnybone
  4. NaughtyNonsense
  5. SaucyScribe
  6. BawdyBanter
  7. XRatedLaughs
  8. LewdLaughter
  9. VulgarVibes

Shock Value:

321. ShockJock

  1. TabooTickles
  2. OutrageousOomph
  3. ControversyComedian
  4. BoundaryBreaker
  5. ProvocativePunster
  6. EdgyEntertainer
  7. BoldlyBawdy
  8. ScandalousSilliness
  9. CrudeComic

Borderline Offensive (with Caution):

331. InsensitiveJoker

  1. OffColorLaughs
  2. TastelessTales
  3. OffensiveOddity
  4. CrassComic
  5. DisrespectfulDroll
  6. InappropriateHumorist
  7. EdgyEthics
  8. ShockingSilliness
  9. PushingTheLimitsLaughs

Exercise discretion when choosing from these edgy and risqué username options!

Community and Group-Oriented

Build connections and foster camaraderie with these community and group-oriented username options.

Whether you’re part of a special interest group, forum, or gaming clan, these usernames are designed to bring people together.

Inside Jokes:

341. InsiderLaughs

  1. InsideScoopScribe
  2. ExclusiveEntertainer
  3. InTheKnowKiddo
  4. InnerCircleComic
  5. ConfidentialChuckler
  6. VIPLaughs
  7. HushHushHumor
  8. SecretSilliness
  9. ClassifiedComedian

Group Puns:

351. ClanCraic

  1. SquadSass
  2. CrewComedian
  3. TeamTales
  4. BandOfBanter
  5. GangGiggles
  6. PossePunster
  7. TribeTickles
  8. PackPunchline
  9. TroopTitter

Team or Clan References:

361. TeamworkTales

  1. ClanComrade
  2. SquadGoalsLaughs
  3. AllianceAmuser
  4. LeagueLaughs
  5. CrewCackle
  6. BandOfBrothersBanter
  7. PackPals
  8. TroopTales
  9. GuildGiggles

Forum or Platform Specific:

371. ForumFunster

  1. RedditRiot
  2. TwitterTales
  3. FacebookFunnies
  4. InstagramLaughs
  5. TikTokTitter
  6. TwitchTickles
  7. DiscordDroll
  8. SnapchatSnicker
  9. YouTubeYukster

Forge connections and foster laughter with these community and group-oriented username options!

baddie usernames

Random Funny Usernames

  1. ChuckleChampion
  2. LaughingLunatic
  3. GigglingGuru
  4. SmirkMaster
  5. JovialJester
  6. HilariousHero
  7. ComedyKingpin
  8. WittyWhiz
  9. LightheartedLegend
  10. HumorHarbinger
  11. CheekyChap
  12. GrinGuru
  13. JollyJoker
  14. GleefulGuru
  15. WhimsicalWizard
  16. HappyHooligan
  17. ChortleChieftain
  18. ChucklingChampion
  19. SnickerSage
  20. WaggishWarrior
  21. GiggleGuru
  22. MerrimentMaestro
  23. SniggerSorcerer
  24. SmilingSavant
  25. WitWhisperer
  26. LaughLeader
  27. GuffawGuru
  28. GrinGoddess
  29. GleeGuru
  30. ChuckleCaptain
  31. LightheartedLuminary
  32. AmusingAce
  33. ChortleChampion
  34. JocularJedi
  35. LaughingLuminary
  36. HumorHero
  37. GigglingGenius
  38. WittyWarrior
  39. ChuckleChieftain
  40. SmilingSage
  41. WhimsicalWarrior
  42. LaughingLegend
  43. GrinGuardian
  44. HilariousHerald
  45. MirthMastermind
  46. ChuckleCommander
  47. SnickerSultan
  48. GigglingGuru
  49. JovialJuggernaut
  50. GleefulGuardian
  51. CheeryChampion
  52. ChuckleConnoisseur
  53. LaughingLuminary
  54. WitWizard
  55. GrinGuardian
  56. JollyJuggler
  57. GuffawGoddess
  58. SmirkSavant
  59. MerrimentMonarch
  60. ChortleChampion
  61. WittyWarlock
  62. HilariousHerald
  63. SnickerSovereign
  64. GiggleGenius
  65. ChuckleChampion
  66. LaughingLuminary
  67. WittyWhiz
  68. JovialJester
  69. GrinGuru
  70. GuffawGoddess
  71. GleefulGuru
  72. ChuckleChieftain
  73. SnickerSultan
  74. MirthMastermind
  75. HumorHero
  76. GigglingGenius
  77. WittyWarrior
  78. LaughLeader
  79. ChuckleCommander
  80. SnickerSorcerer
  81. MerrimentMaestro
  82. GrinGuardian
  83. WhimsicalWarrior
  84. HilariousHerald
  85. JollyJuggler
  86. ChuckleConnoisseur
  87. GiggleGuru
  88. ChuckleChampion
  89. LaughingLuminary
  90. WitWhisperer
  91. SmilingSage
  92. JovialJuggernaut
  93. GuffawGoddess
  94. GleefulGuardian
  95. SnickerSovereign
  96. MirthMastermind
  97. ChuckleChieftain
  98. LaughingLuminary
  99. WittyWarlock
  100. JovialJester
  101. GrinGuru
  102. GuffawGoddess
  103. GleefulGuru
  104. ChuckleChieftain
  105. SnickerSultan
  106. MirthMastermind
  107. HumorHero
  108. GigglingGenius
  109. WittyWarrior
  110. LaughLeader
  111. ChuckleCommander
  112. SnickerSorcerer
  113. MerrimentMaestro
  114. GrinGuardian
  115. WhimsicalWarrior
  116. HilariousHerald
  117. JollyJuggler
  118. ChuckleConnoisseur
  119. GiggleGuru
  120. ChuckleChampion
  121. LaughingLuminary
  122. WitWhisperer
  123. SmilingSage
  124. JovialJuggernaut
  125. GuffawGoddess
  126. GleefulGuardian
  127. SnickerSovereign
  128. MirthMastermind
  129. ChuckleChieftain
  130. LaughingLuminary
  131. WittyWarlock
  132. JovialJester
  133. GrinGuru
  134. GuffawGoddess
  135. GleefulGuru
  136. ChuckleChieftain
  137. SnickerSultan
  138. MirthMastermind
  139. HumorHero
  140. GigglingGenius
  141. WittyWarrior
  142. LaughLeader
  143. ChuckleCommander
  144. SnickerSorcerer
  145. MerrimentMaestro
  146. GrinGuardian
  147. WhimsicalWarrior
  148. HilariousHerald
  149. JollyJuggler
  150. ChuckleConnoisseur
  151. GiggleGuru
  152. ChuckleChampion
  153. LaughingLuminary
  154. WitWhisperer
  155. SmilingSage
  156. JovialJuggernaut
  157. GuffawGoddess
  158. GleefulGuardian
  159. SnickerSovereign
  160. MirthMastermind
  161. ChuckleChieftain
  162. LaughingLuminary
  163. WittyWarlock
  164. JovialJester
  165. GrinGuru
  166. GuffawGoddess
  167. GleefulGuru
  168. ChuckleChieftain
  169. SnickerSultan
  170. MirthMastermind
  171. HumorHero
  172. GigglingGenius
  173. WittyWarrior
  174. LaughLeader
  175. ChuckleCommander
  176. SnickerSorcerer
  177. MerrimentMaestro
  178. GrinGuardian
  179. WhimsicalWarrior
  180. HilariousHerald
  181. JollyJuggler
  182. ChuckleConnoisseur
  183. GiggleGuru
  184. ChuckleChampion
  185. LaughingLuminary
  186. WitWhisperer
  187. SmilingSage
  188. JovialJuggernaut
  189. GuffawGoddess
  190. GleefulGuardian
  191. SnickerSovereign
  192. MirthMastermind
  193. ChuckleChieftain
  194. LaughingLuminary
  195. WittyWarlock
  196. JovialJester
  197. GrinGuru
  198. GuffawGoddess
  199. GleefulGuru
  200. ChuckleChieftain
  201. SnickerSultan
  202. MirthMastermind
  203. HumorHero
  204. GigglingGenius
  205. WittyWarrior
  206. LaughLeader
  207. ChuckleCommander
  208. SnickerSorcerer
  209. MerrimentMaestro
  210. GrinGuardian
  211. WhimsicalWarrior
  212. HilariousHerald
  213. JollyJuggler
  214. ChuckleConnoisseur
  215. GiggleGuru
  216. ChuckleChampion
  217. LaughingLuminary
  218. WitWhisperer
  219. SmilingSage
  220. JovialJuggernaut
  221. GuffawGoddess
  222. GleefulGuardian
  223. SnickerSovereign
  224. MirthMastermind
  225. ChuckleChieftain
  226. LaughingLuminary
  227. WittyWarlock
  228. JovialJester
  229. GrinGuru
  230. GuffawGoddess
  231. GleefulGuru
  232. ChuckleChieftain
  233. SnickerSultan
  234. MirthMastermind
  235. HumorHero
  236. GigglingGenius
  237. WittyWarrior
  238. LaughLeader
  239. ChuckleCommander
  240. SnickerSorcerer
  241. MerrimentMaestro
  242. GrinGuardian
  243. WhimsicalWarrior
  244. HilariousHerald
  245. JollyJuggler
  246. ChuckleConnoisseur
  247. GiggleGuru
  248. ChuckleChampion
  249. LaughingLuminary
  250. WitWhisperer
  251. SmilingSage
  252. JovialJuggernaut
  253. GuffawGoddess
  254. GleefulGuardian
  255. SnickerSovereign
  256. MirthMastermind
  257. ChuckleChieftain
  258. LaughingLuminary
  259. WittyWarlock
  260. JovialJester
  261. GrinGuru
  262. GuffawGoddess
  263. GleefulGuru
  264. ChuckleChieftain
  265. SnickerSultan
  266. MirthMastermind
  267. HumorHero
  268. GigglingGenius
  269. WittyWarrior
  270. LaughLeader
  271. ChuckleCommander
  272. SnickerSorcerer
  273. MerrimentMaestro
  274. GrinGuardian
  275. WhimsicalWarrior
  276. HilariousHerald
  277. JollyJuggler
  278. ChuckleConnoisseur
  279. GiggleGuru
  280. ChuckleChampion
  281. LaughingLuminary
  282. WitWhisperer
  283. SmilingSage
  284. JovialJuggernaut
  285. GuffawGoddess
  286. GleefulGuardian
  287. SnickerSovereign
  288. MirthMastermind
  289. ChuckleChieftain
  290. LaughingLuminary
  291. WittyWarlock
  292. JovialJester
  293. GrinGuru
  294. GuffawGoddess
  295. GleefulGuru
  296. ChuckleChieftain
  297. SnickerSultan
  298. MirthMastermind
  299. HumorHero
  300. GigglingGenius

How to Choose the Right Funny Username

Choosing the right username is crucial for making a memorable impression online.

Follow these tips to ensure your username reflects your personality and resonates with your audience:

Consider Your Audience:

  • Think about who will be seeing your username. Is it for a professional platform, social media, or gaming?
  • Tailor your username to appeal to your intended audience while staying true to yourself.

Reflect Your Personality:

  • Choose a username that reflects your interests, hobbies, or sense of humor.
  • Incorporate elements that showcase your unique personality and make you stand out.

Test and Iterate:

  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different usernames until you find the perfect fit.
  • Test your username with friends or peers to get feedback on its effectiveness and appeal.

Be Mindful of Sensitivity:

  • Avoid usernames that could be offensive, insensitive, or controversial.
  • Consider cultural sensitivities and potential interpretations of your username across different audiences.

Follow these guidelines to select a username that is both memorable and representative of who you are!


Choosing a funny username is not just about creating a memorable online identity; it’s about expressing your personality, connecting with others, and spreading joy through humor.

Whether you prefer classic puns, geeky references, or edgy humor, there’s a perfect username out there waiting for you.

As you embark on your quest for the ultimate funny username, remember to consider your audience, reflect your personality, test and iterate, and always be mindful of sensitivity.

With these guidelines in mind, you’re bound to find a username that not only makes you laugh but also resonates with others.

So, go ahead, unleash your creativity, and let your username become a beacon of laughter in the vast expanse of the internet. Happy username hunting, and may the laughter be with you always!